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Website Prototyping

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Prototyping tools enable designers to weave visuals, navigational elements, and interactions together to give a solid representation of how a design will behave and feel.

  1. Best Website Prototyping Tools
  2. Website Prototyping Tool

13 prototyping tools for UI/UX designers

A website prototype takes it to a whole new level by adding interactions and animation and giving a user a look and feel of what an end product will look like. But before we dive into details of how to create a prototype for a website, let's take a moment to clear out any confusion around the UX design terminology. InVision is the digital product design platform used to make the world's best customer experiences. InVisionApp, Inc.

Prototypes are an opportunity to try things out and fine-tune the details, and they're an essential tool in communicating to decision makers how all of the elements will function together.

Here are 13 prototyping tools to help you with your own design process:

1. Figma

Isplash color photo editor 3 2. Figma is an all-in-one tool that makes collaboration and accessibility easy for UX designers, developers, and anyone else on a team with a browser-based, cloud-hosted platform. If you've worked with Sketch before, you'll find that Figma has a similar feel that makes it easy to get started with.

Consistency is a priority in web design, and you can use Figma's flexible styles to control the appearance of text, grids, and other elements across a project. And a variety of useful plugins, like Autoflow for illustrating flows, Figmotion for creating animations, and many others, enhance Figma's functionality.

2. InVision Studio

Released in 2011, InVision has a well-established reputation, and their dedication to rolling out new functionality and adding to their design platform makes them a favorite among many designers.

With a host of well-designed tools, InVision gives designers the power to put together functional prototypes quickly and to share them with others. It offers so many nice features, including a handy vector drawing tool, repeatable components that can be changed sitewide, and tools for creating animations and other dynamic visual effects.

Collaboration and communication are also strengths of InVision. Freehand lets team members draw, add notes, and offer feedback. And through LiveShare, a prototype can be demonstrated with full interactivity. InVision makes it easy for team members to stay connected and work together throughout the course of a project.

3. Adobe XD

Adobe XD offers a vector-based system for putting together prototypes, including tools for creating interactions, transitions, and other types of dynamic functionality. Because it's vector based, scaling and resizing elements is no problem.

Adobe XD work well alongside other Adobe family apps like Illustrator and Photoshop. It's nice to be able to edit Adobe images, like a .psd, right in the application.

Adobe XD covers all the tools a designer needs from conceptualization through high-resolution prototypes. And they're continually adding to this product with monthly updates that expand its functionality.

4. Webflow

Best Website Prototyping Tools

As you may have noticed, we are Webflow. We know that you want a smoother and faster design process, and we're here to help you out.

Webflow takes care of two jobs at once. While you're designing and building a high-fidelity prototype, you're creating a live website that's complete with all of the HTML, CSS, and associated JavaScript. You don't end up with just a mockup — you'll have the real deal.

With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, a powerful CMS, and the capability to create advanced animations, transitions, and microinteractions, Webflow makes it possible to create any type of professional-level website.

If you want a speedy way to design and prototype, Webflow gives you what you need, all without knowing how to code, making it one of the best prototyping tools whatever your skill level.

5. Axure RP 9

Axure RP 9 puts the power of wireframing and prototyping all in one package. It allows designers to create low to high resolution interactive prototypes of websites and apps, all without having to code.

Along with what you need to build the visuals, interactivity, and organization, Axure RP 9 also offers a comprehensive documentation tool, which makes keeping track of notes, tasks, and other important assets organized and accessible to those who need to see it.

Axure RP 9 also facilitates a better handoff to developers by letting a prototype be published on their cloud, with all of the code, specifications, and other assets they would need to build it.

Built for professionals, with attention to all of the intricacies of building functional prototypes, Axure RP 9 is for those designers who demand more from their prototyping tools.

6. Origami Studio

If you're Facebook and your designers don't have an app that they need, you build it for them. Origami Studio was created for Facebook designers out of necessity, and Facebook so graciously shared it with the rest of the design world.

For designers who need a more advanced system, Origami Studio offers powerful prototyping tools for websites and mobile apps. Central to Origami Studio is a patch editor that lets you build logic, behaviors, animations, and interactions. It comes with many prebuilt patches, and the site says you'll most likely use just 15–20 of these for most of your prototyping work.

Origami Studio does have a bit of a learning curve that can be daunting at first. But the payoff of knowing how to use their prototyping tools and pulling off sophisticated prototypes makes it well worth learning. This power, along with its compatibility in working with Sketch, makes Origami Studio an important tool for designers who want to go above and beyond standard prototyping.

7. Justinmind

Justinmind has been gathering momentum as a popular prototyping tool. There are quite a few reasons why, from drag-and-drop functionality, the capabilities to create the simplest to most sophisticated of apps and web prototypes, and plenty of support, like videos and blogs to help you learn how to use it. Justinmind isn't as huge as some of the other prototyping tools out there, but they're certainly an up-and-comer.

Justinmind comes with UI libraries and templates, as well as many other practical features. It lets you create the logic for conditional navigation, allows for user testing, facilitates design team management, and more. There's also a number of integrations that let you use Justinmind with Sketch, Adobe Suite, Azure DevOps Server, and Jira in your workflow.

Its simple interface makes it a great starting point for a beginner UX designer but also offers enough for more advanced designers.

Build complex interactions and animations without even looking at code.

8. Sketch

So many UX designers use Sketch as a part of their workflow — and for good reason.

Uniformity and consistency drive much of Sketch's functionality. Reusable elements can be used sitewide with a smart layout feature that changes their dimensions depending on what content is inside of them. Then there's the ease of use. Along with a well-designed user interface, Sketch offers a host of shortcuts at your fingertips to speed up the design process.

Many consider Sketch an industry standard when it comes to prototyping, and its feature-packed and user-friendly interface are just a few reasons why so many designers choose it.

9. Fluid UI

Fluid UI's software makes for lightning-fast prototyping. With ready-made libraries for material design, iOs, and Windows, as well as gestures, Fluid UI gives you so much to get started with. And their simple user interface makes it super easy to put these components together.

10. Framer

Framer is a design tool that lets you build interactive prototypes extremely fast. With Framer, you can create completely functional prototypes — everything from linking pages together to creating 3D effects.

Framer also has thousands of resources in the Framer X Store. You have access to everything from live maps, UI kits, and media players all at your fingertips.

11. Marvel

Do you need a prototyping tool that will let you whip up apps and websites quickly? And do it for free? Marvel gives you a complete suite of prototyping tools, without skimping on functionality.

Marvel lets you go beyond static mockups and offers interactivity, dynamic transitions, and gestures to bring prototypes to life and give a real user experience to anyone testing them out. Another nice addition is the handoff tool that gives developers all of the code and assets in their most current iteration to dive in and create a live website, automatically.

Marvel's collaborative features let anyone on a design team — no matter how spread out, or whatever the stage of production — add notes, make changes, and share ideas in real time.


ESPN, Amazon, and PayPal are just a few of the big names that have used With a comprehensive selection of components and tools, interactive prototypes are made possible without having to type in a single line of code.

Within its web-based editor, gives you a variety of drag-and-drop UI web components, templates, icon libraries, and audio and video integrations. You can also bring in anything you have created on your own in Photoshop or Sketch.

With an array of templates, tools, and other components to build prototypes, has so much to offer.

13. Principle

Principle lets you create dazzling interactions and eye-catching animations, giving you prototypes that go beyond dull static representations.

With multiple artboards, a timeline-based animation builder, and the ability to import Figma frames, Principle allows you to design an impressive app or web design in a short amount of time.

With an attention to motion and interactivity, Principle stands out among the other prototyping apps out there.

Prototyping leads to a better design process

For large-scale projects with many moving parts, prototyping is indispensable. Prototypes let you gather feedback, test usability, and tweak a design along the way.

There are many tools out there to help you, starting with these 13 more widely adopted apps. What's your favorite prototyping tool? Just let us know in the comments below!

Related reads:7 simple steps to the web design process

A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features to be usable by early customers who can then provide feedback for future product development.[1][2]

Website Prototyping

A focus on releasing an MVP means that developers potentially avoid lengthy and (ultimately) unnecessary work. Instead, they iterate on working versions and respond to feedback, challenging and validating assumptions about a product's requirements.[3] The term was coined and defined in 2001 by Frank Robinson[4] and then popularized by Steve Blank and Eric Ries.[5][6][7][8] It may also involve carrying out market analysis beforehand. The MVP is analogous to experimentation in the scientific method applied in the context of validating business hypotheses, it is utilised so that prospective entrepreneurs would know whether a given business idea would actually be viable and profitable by testing the assumptions behind a product or business idea[9]. The concept can be used to validate a market need for a product[9] and for incremental developments of an existing product[10]. As it tests a potential business model to customers to see how the market would react, it is especially useful for new/startup companies who are more concerned with finding out where potential business opportunities exist rather than executing a prefabricated, isolated business model[11].


A minimum viable product has just enough core features to effectively deploy the product, and no more. Developers typically deploy the product to a subset of possible customers—such as early adopters thought to be more forgiving, more likely to give feedback, and able to grasp a product vision from an early prototype or marketing information. This strategy targets avoiding building products that customers do not want and seeks to maximize information about the customer with the least money spent. The technique falls under the Lean Startup methodology as MVPs aim to test business hypotheses and validated learning is one of the five principles of the Lean Startup method[12]. It contrasts strongly with the traditional 'stealth mode' method of product development where businesses make detailed business plans spanning a considerable time horizon. Steve Blank posited that the main principle of the Lean Startup approach rests in validating the hypotheses underlying the product by asking customers if they want the product or if the product meets their needs, and pivoting to another approach if the hypothesis turns out to be false[11]. This approach to validating business ideas cheaply before substantial investment saves costs and limits risk as businesses that upon experimentation turn out to be commercially unfeasible can easily be terminated. It is especially important as the main cause of startup failure is the lack of market need[13], that is, many startups fail because their product isn't needed by many people, and so they cannot generate enough revenue to recoup the initial investment. Thus it can be said that utilising an MVP would illuminate a prospective entrepreneur on the market demand for their products.

Website Prototyping Tool

An example would help illustrate: in 2015, specialists from the University of Sydney devised the Rippa robot to automate farm and weed management[14]. Before it was released, the underlying hypothesis that the robot's systems can detect weeds from farm plants was tested before the robot project can undergo further development[15]. The application of the MVP method here is that the business hypothesis (that the robot can detect weeds) is tested on a farm, and only if it proves successful will the robot proceed to further development.

'The minimum viable product is that version of a new product a team uses to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.'[2] The definition's use of the words maximum and minimum means it is not formulaic. It requires judgement to figure out, for any given context, what MVP makes sense. Due to this vagueness, the term MVP is commonly used, either deliberately or unwittingly, to refer to a much broader notion ranging from a rather prototype-like product to a fully-fledged and marketable product.[16]

An MVP can be part of a strategy and process directed toward making and selling a product to customers.[17] It is a core artifact in an iterative process of idea generation, prototyping, presentation, data collection, analysis and learning. One seeks to minimize the total time spent on an iteration. The process is iterated until a desirable product/market fit is obtained, or until the product is deemed non-viable.

Steve Blank typically refers to minimum viable product as minimum feature set.[18][19]


  • Be able to test a product hypothesis with minimal resources
  • Accelerate learning
  • Reduce wasted engineering hours
  • Get the product to early customers as soon as possible
  • Base for other products
  • To establish a builder's abilities in crafting the product required
  • Brand building very quickly

Key MVP elements[edit]

An MVP must include these key elements in production quality:[20]

  • Functionality - the set of features must deliver clear value to the user,
  • Design - the design of the MVP must be up to the highest industry standard,
  • Reliability - production quality standard needs to be achieved by rigorous testing,
  • Usability - the MVP must be easy to use and intuitive,


  • Results from a minimum viable product test aim to indicate if the product should be built to begin with. Testing evaluates if the initial problem or goal is solved in a manner that makes it reasonable to move forward.

Notable quotes[edit]

  • Steve Blank: 'You're selling the vision and delivering the minimum feature set to visionaries, not everyone.'[18]


Releasing and assessing the impact of a minimum viable product is a market testing strategy that is used to screen product ideas soon after their generation. In software development, the release is facilitated by rapid application development tools and languages common to web application development.

The whole point of MVP is to make quick working project or ready business. Using MVP companies can build more accurate market predictions and attract new investments.

The MVP differs from the conventional market testing strategy of investing time and money early to implement a product before testing it in the market. The MVP is intended to ensure that the market wants the product before large time and monetary investments are made. The MVP differs from the open source software methodology of release early, release often that listens to users, letting them define the features and future of the product. The MVP starts with a product vision, which is maintained throughout the product life cycle, although it is adapted based on the explicit and implicit (indirect measures) feedback from potential future customers of the product.[2]

The MVP is a strategy that may be used as a part of Blank's customer development methodology that focuses on continual product iteration and refinement based on customer feedback. Additionally, the presentation of non-existing products and features may be refined using web-based statistical hypothesis testing, such as A/B testing. Eagle 1924x.

Business Model Canvas[edit]

The Business Model Canvas is used to map in the major components and activities for a company starting out. The minimum viable product can be designed by using selected components of the Business Model Canvas:[21]

  • Customers
  • Value proposition
  • Channels
  • Relationship

Emerging applications[edit]

Concepts from minimum viable product are applied in other aspects of startups and organizations.

Minimum viable brand (MVB)[edit]

Using a minimum viable brand (MVB) concept can ensure brand hypotheses are grounded in strategic intent and market insights.[22]

Minimum viable co-founder[edit]

Finding other people to create a minimum viable product is a common challenge for new companies and startups. The concept of minimum viable co-founder is based on looking for a co-founder with the following attributes:[23]


A focus on releasing an MVP means that developers potentially avoid lengthy and (ultimately) unnecessary work. Instead, they iterate on working versions and respond to feedback, challenging and validating assumptions about a product's requirements.[3] The term was coined and defined in 2001 by Frank Robinson[4] and then popularized by Steve Blank and Eric Ries.[5][6][7][8] It may also involve carrying out market analysis beforehand. The MVP is analogous to experimentation in the scientific method applied in the context of validating business hypotheses, it is utilised so that prospective entrepreneurs would know whether a given business idea would actually be viable and profitable by testing the assumptions behind a product or business idea[9]. The concept can be used to validate a market need for a product[9] and for incremental developments of an existing product[10]. As it tests a potential business model to customers to see how the market would react, it is especially useful for new/startup companies who are more concerned with finding out where potential business opportunities exist rather than executing a prefabricated, isolated business model[11].


A minimum viable product has just enough core features to effectively deploy the product, and no more. Developers typically deploy the product to a subset of possible customers—such as early adopters thought to be more forgiving, more likely to give feedback, and able to grasp a product vision from an early prototype or marketing information. This strategy targets avoiding building products that customers do not want and seeks to maximize information about the customer with the least money spent. The technique falls under the Lean Startup methodology as MVPs aim to test business hypotheses and validated learning is one of the five principles of the Lean Startup method[12]. It contrasts strongly with the traditional 'stealth mode' method of product development where businesses make detailed business plans spanning a considerable time horizon. Steve Blank posited that the main principle of the Lean Startup approach rests in validating the hypotheses underlying the product by asking customers if they want the product or if the product meets their needs, and pivoting to another approach if the hypothesis turns out to be false[11]. This approach to validating business ideas cheaply before substantial investment saves costs and limits risk as businesses that upon experimentation turn out to be commercially unfeasible can easily be terminated. It is especially important as the main cause of startup failure is the lack of market need[13], that is, many startups fail because their product isn't needed by many people, and so they cannot generate enough revenue to recoup the initial investment. Thus it can be said that utilising an MVP would illuminate a prospective entrepreneur on the market demand for their products.

Website Prototyping Tool

An example would help illustrate: in 2015, specialists from the University of Sydney devised the Rippa robot to automate farm and weed management[14]. Before it was released, the underlying hypothesis that the robot's systems can detect weeds from farm plants was tested before the robot project can undergo further development[15]. The application of the MVP method here is that the business hypothesis (that the robot can detect weeds) is tested on a farm, and only if it proves successful will the robot proceed to further development.

'The minimum viable product is that version of a new product a team uses to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.'[2] The definition's use of the words maximum and minimum means it is not formulaic. It requires judgement to figure out, for any given context, what MVP makes sense. Due to this vagueness, the term MVP is commonly used, either deliberately or unwittingly, to refer to a much broader notion ranging from a rather prototype-like product to a fully-fledged and marketable product.[16]

An MVP can be part of a strategy and process directed toward making and selling a product to customers.[17] It is a core artifact in an iterative process of idea generation, prototyping, presentation, data collection, analysis and learning. One seeks to minimize the total time spent on an iteration. The process is iterated until a desirable product/market fit is obtained, or until the product is deemed non-viable.

Steve Blank typically refers to minimum viable product as minimum feature set.[18][19]


  • Be able to test a product hypothesis with minimal resources
  • Accelerate learning
  • Reduce wasted engineering hours
  • Get the product to early customers as soon as possible
  • Base for other products
  • To establish a builder's abilities in crafting the product required
  • Brand building very quickly

Key MVP elements[edit]

An MVP must include these key elements in production quality:[20]

  • Functionality - the set of features must deliver clear value to the user,
  • Design - the design of the MVP must be up to the highest industry standard,
  • Reliability - production quality standard needs to be achieved by rigorous testing,
  • Usability - the MVP must be easy to use and intuitive,


  • Results from a minimum viable product test aim to indicate if the product should be built to begin with. Testing evaluates if the initial problem or goal is solved in a manner that makes it reasonable to move forward.

Notable quotes[edit]

  • Steve Blank: 'You're selling the vision and delivering the minimum feature set to visionaries, not everyone.'[18]


Releasing and assessing the impact of a minimum viable product is a market testing strategy that is used to screen product ideas soon after their generation. In software development, the release is facilitated by rapid application development tools and languages common to web application development.

The whole point of MVP is to make quick working project or ready business. Using MVP companies can build more accurate market predictions and attract new investments.

The MVP differs from the conventional market testing strategy of investing time and money early to implement a product before testing it in the market. The MVP is intended to ensure that the market wants the product before large time and monetary investments are made. The MVP differs from the open source software methodology of release early, release often that listens to users, letting them define the features and future of the product. The MVP starts with a product vision, which is maintained throughout the product life cycle, although it is adapted based on the explicit and implicit (indirect measures) feedback from potential future customers of the product.[2]

The MVP is a strategy that may be used as a part of Blank's customer development methodology that focuses on continual product iteration and refinement based on customer feedback. Additionally, the presentation of non-existing products and features may be refined using web-based statistical hypothesis testing, such as A/B testing. Eagle 1924x.

Business Model Canvas[edit]

The Business Model Canvas is used to map in the major components and activities for a company starting out. The minimum viable product can be designed by using selected components of the Business Model Canvas:[21]

  • Customers
  • Value proposition
  • Channels
  • Relationship

Emerging applications[edit]

Concepts from minimum viable product are applied in other aspects of startups and organizations.

Minimum viable brand (MVB)[edit]

Using a minimum viable brand (MVB) concept can ensure brand hypotheses are grounded in strategic intent and market insights.[22]

Minimum viable co-founder[edit]

Finding other people to create a minimum viable product is a common challenge for new companies and startups. The concept of minimum viable co-founder is based on looking for a co-founder with the following attributes:[23]

  • Trust
  • Exceptional at building or selling
  • Company commitment
  • Personally likeable
  • Productivity
  • Reasonable
  • Rational
  • Realistic

Minimum viable team[edit]

Founders with an early-stage company are faced with the challenge of building a team with minimal people and cost. The process starts by listing out basic functions of a particular company (e.g., engineer, operations, finance) and then stripping down to the abstract job activities and skills that the company must have to operate.[24][25]


Some research has showed that early release of an MVP may hurt a company more than help when companies risk imitation by a competitor and have not established other barriers to imitation.[26] It has also indicated that negative feedback on an MVP can negatively affect a company's reputation.[26] Many developers of mobile and digital products are now criticizing the MVP because customers can easily switch between competing products through platforms (e.g. app stores).[27] Also, products that do not offer the expected minimum standard of quality are inferior to competitors that enter the market with a higher standard.

A notable limitation of the MVP is rooted in its approach that seeks out to test their ideas to the market. Since the business' new product ideas can be inferred from their testing, the method may be unsuited to environments where the protection of intellectual property is limited (and where products are easily imitated)[28].

The criticism of the MVP approach has led to several new approaches,e.g. the Minimum Viable Experiment MVE,[29]the Minimum Awesome Product MAP,[30]or the Simple, Lovable, Complete.[31]

See also[edit]


  1. ^'What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? - Definition from Techopedia'.
  2. ^ abcRies, Eric (August 3, 2009). 'Minimum Viable Product: a guide'.
  3. ^'MVP: A maximally misunderstood idea'. Slalom. Retrieved 2019-12-04.
  4. ^'SyncDev methodology'. SyncDev. Retrieved May 16, 2016.
  5. ^W. S. Junk, 'The Dynamic Balance Between Cost, Schedule, Features, and Quality in Software Development Projects', Computer Science Dept., University of Idaho, SEPM-001, April 2000.
  6. ^Eric Ries, March 23, 2009, Venture Hacks interview: 'What is the minimum viable product?', Lessons Learned
  7. ^Perfection By Subtraction – The Minimum Feature Set
  8. ^Holiday, Ryan The single worst marketing decision you can makeThe Next Web. 1 April 2015
  9. ^ ab'A Minimum Viable Product Is Not a Product, It's a Process: Building Product, Experimentation, MVP'. YC Startup Library. Retrieved 2020-10-17.
  10. ^'The Scientific Method for Startups: Building Product, Experimentation, KPI'. YC Startup Library. Retrieved 2020-10-17.
  11. ^ abBlank, Steve (2013-05-01). 'Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything'. Harvard Business Review (May 2013). ISSN0017-8012. Retrieved 2020-10-17.
  12. ^'Eric Ries on 'The Lean Startup''. Knowledge @ Wharton.
  13. ^'Why Startups Fail: Top 20 Reasons l CB Insights'. CB Insights Research. 2019-11-06. Retrieved 2020-10-19.
  14. ^'Rippa robot takes farms forward to the future'. The University of Sydney. Retrieved 2020-10-19.
  15. ^admin (2018-07-26). 'RIPPA The Farm Robot Exterminates Pests And Weeds'. agronomybots. Retrieved 2020-10-19.
  16. ^Ambler, Scott (2017-12-27). 'Defining MVP, MMF, MMP, and MMR'. The Disciplined Agile (DA) Framework. Retrieved 23 August 2018.
  17. ^Radoff, Jon (May 4, 2010). 'Minimum Viable Product rant'. Jon Radoff's Internet Wonderland. Archived from the original on March 23, 2014. Retrieved 19 August 2014.CS1 maint: unfit url (link)
  18. ^ abBlank, Steve (March 4, 2010). 'Perfection By Subtraction – The Minimum Feature Set'.
  19. ^Lenarduzzi, Valentina; Taibi, Davide (August 2016). MVP Explained: A Systematic Mapping Study on the Definitions of Minimal Viable Product. 2016 42nd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). Cyprus. pp. 112–119. doi:10.1109/
  20. ^'MVP - what is it and why is it crucial for your business?'. Pixelfield blog. 2020-01-06. Retrieved 2020-01-07.
  21. ^Kromer, Tristan (April 15, 2014). 'The Four Parts of a Minimal Viable Product'. Archived from the original on July 22, 2015. Retrieved April 25, 2014.
  22. ^'Start-Ups Need a Minimum Viable Brand'. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 2017-09-20.
  23. ^Shah, Darmesh (October 5, 2011). 'Choosing A Minimally Viable Co-Founder'.
  24. ^Kromer, Tristan (October 11, 2011). 'A Minimum Viable Team is More Important than a Minimum Viable Product'.
  25. ^O'Donnell, Charlie (August 22, 2012). 'Minimum Viable Team'.
  26. ^ ab'The Limitations of Lean Startup Principles'. Knowledge@Wharton, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. 28 September 2018. Retrieved 17 October 2018.
  27. ^Beneyto, Carlos (February 5, 2018). 'The MVP is dead, long life to the MAP. (Minimum Awesome Product)'.
  28. ^Contigiani, Andrea. 'The Downside of Applying Lean Startup Principles'. Knowledge @ Wharton.
  29. ^'Death to the Minimum Viable Product! | Lean User Testing'. January 11, 2019.
  30. ^fluidmobile GmbH (January 22, 2019). 'Minimum Awesome Product in der App-Entwicklung'.
  31. ^Cohen, Jason (22 Aug 2017). 'I hate MVPs. So do your customers. Make it SLC instead'.
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